Meet Phoebe Bacon
Phoebe Bacon grew up as a multi-sport athlete that always loved having fun and pushing things to their limits. She never liked to back down from any challenge, whether it was trying to play boys’ lacrosse from a young age to helping her father rebuild their entire basement. She has always wanted to work hard and have fun.
Throughout high school, Phoebe was playing four different sports in a three-season year because she wanted to do it all and have fun with it all. Even though this was a lot on her plate, she would also take the time to try her best in school. School never came naturally to her, but it was the challenge of it that kept her working hard.
On top of school and sports, Phoebe still seemed to have time to help her father with any projects he was working on. At a young age she took a liking to building. In the beginning, it was push go-karts, later it expanded to trying to rebuild an old Jeep Wrangler. Whenever something around the house needed fixing, she was always beside her father helping. Even when her weekend was was filled with practices and competitions, she would find time to start a new skill or new task.
Phoebe grew up with an older brother, older sister, and younger brother. Although this sometimes caused a lot of fighting, Phoebe would often be seen trying to keep up with her older siblings in whatever they were doing. When siblings started to get into swimming, her mother felt it was the perfect time for Phoebe to try it as well. Her passion for swimming was always there along with the various other things she liked in life.
As swimming took the front of her life, it led her to the University of Wisconsin Madison where she has flourished. Phoebe has such a strong dedication to improving on things in all parts of her life.
During her time at Madison, her joy for cooking truly blossomed. She has always loved to cook, and she learned a lot from her mother as well as many many hours of cooking shows. She takes pride in the meals that she makes, which are sometimes meals for 30 people at various family gatherings. There was a moment in time where she wanted to create her own cookbook because she felt it would help many other college athletes with their lives.
Phoebe took on a leadership role at Madison in her first year of being on campus. She has always wanted to help others and help them find the same joy in life that she has. One story that is a favorite memory of Phoebe’s: she had a swim meet and a championship soccer game on the same night. She was in the water racing straight into a car to drive over to the soccer game to make it by halftime to help her team win. The joy on her face doing both was so amazing the team lit up in excitement when she arrived at the soccer game.
Phoebe being from such a larger family, with many younger cousins, would always take time to hang out with them. Whether it was workouts on the beach while they were on vacation to coloring hair to camping in the back of her uncle’s truck just for fun. She always makes sure to spend time with her family.
“I always say to myself that I live in the present, not the past or the future. I also love to say to myself prior to racing: ‘it's all fun and games.’ Both of these little phrases allow me to enjoy what I am doing in the moment. You might as well have fun doing a job that you love.”